Providing answers & solutions to your health, since 2005
Serving the Mid-Columbia and beyond, Oregon & Washington.
At Gorge Family Naturopath, Dr. Shawna Hasel…
- Has 15 years of expertise in Naturopathic, Integrative & Functional Medicine
- Efficiently identifies the cause of your health problems
- Utilizes a combination of conventional and functional labs, for answers
- Treats with individualized, natural and conventional (as needed) medicine for the whole family
- Provides Primary Care and referrals to Specialists (as needed)
- Offers convenient same week appointments, urgent care available
- Bills insurance, offers an affordable ‘time of service’ fee schedule, offers wholesale labs

At Gorge Family Naturopath, Dr. Shawna Hasel…
- Has 15 years of expertise in Naturopathic, Integrative & Functional Medicine
- Efficiently identifies the cause of your health problems
- Utilizes a combination of conventional and functional labs, for answers
- Treats with individualized, natural and conventional (as needed) medicine for the whole family
- Provides Primary Care and referrals to Specialists (as needed)
- Offers convenient same week appointments, urgent care available
- Bills insurance, offers an affordable ‘time of service’ fee schedule, offers wholesale labs

Schedule your appointment online or call: 541.296.0006
Across West 6th Street from Walgreens and Safeway. Between Mama Jane’s Pancake House and Gary Denny Floor Covering.
818 West Sixth Street Ste. #1
The Dalles, OR 97058
Call or Text: 541.296.0006
Fax: 541.296.4251
Monday: 9am-2pm
Tuesday: 9am-2pm
Wednesday: 9am-2pm
Thursday: 9am-2pm
Friday: 9am-5pm